Peran Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) Dalam Menindak Persaingan Usaha Yang Tidak Sehat Dalam Bisnis Ritel (Studi Kasus Indomaret Jalan Kuala Namu)
Acting, KPPU, Busines, RetailAbstract
The scope of this writing aims to limit which problems are discussed in this thesis research. The scope of this paper is to take the role of KPPU in the retail business and what are the inhibiting factors for KPPU in the retail business. The method used in this research is the Field research (interview) method or through direct field interviews with interviews at Indomaret Jalan Kualanamu, Deli serdang, while direct interviews in the field to find out what problems often occur in the field directly from trusted sources and which are research methods, especially in the retail business scope, Indomaret Field Study, Jalan Kuala Namu and library research methods (library), namely by looking at books. -books, analyzing books, relevant laws and regulations, namely Regulations relating to Unfair Business Competition under the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) as regulated in Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Business Competition Unhealthy and PERPRES No. 112 of 2007 concerning the Arrangement and Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores as well as library materials related to magazine literature, mass media, internet and other information media related to the formulation of problems in this research. The Role of KPPU in Taking Action Unfair Business Competition in Retail Business is regulated in Law No. 5 of 1999 which is in articles 35 and 36. The role of KPPU in unfair business competition must be active, not passive and not only waiting for reports from people or entrepreneurs but must go down directly among the people. The inhibiting factor for KPPU in taking action against unfair business competition in the retail business must have KPPU's participation in the Management of Business Permits and the KPPU's Decision must be final (final).