Pengaruh Hambatan Samping Terhadap Karakteristik Lalu Lintas Dengan Metode Greenshield dan Greeenberg


  • Tiurma Elita Saragi Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Nurvita Insani Magdalena Simanjuntak Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Chlara Chindy Hutagalung Universitas HKBP Nommensen


Greenshield, Greenberg, Traffic Characteristics, Side Obstacles, Level of Services


Patuan Anggi Street, Sibolga Kota District is one of the most congested roads in Sibolga Kota District due to side obstacles in the form of pedestrians, parking, vehicles entering and exiting and slow vehicles. In addition, this traffic desity arises due to market activity which is a meeting place for sellers and buyers. This can cause the effective width of the road to be reduced so that the travel speed becomes low and at certain hours there is often congestion. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between volume, speed and traffic density, determine the maximum flow and density values and determine the influence of side obstacles on the Patuan Anggi Road section, Sibolga Kota District. In this study to determine traffic characteristics, two approach model methods were used, namely Greenshield and Greenberg. The results of the analysis of the relationship between volume, speed and density, it was obtained that there were side obstacles with the Greenshield method, Monday, Qmax = 317.20 smp/hour, Kmax = 65.03 smp/km; Wednesday, Qmax = 1,020.59 smp/hour with Kmax = 116.65 smp/km; Friday, Qmax = 997.21 smp/hour, Kmax = 115.31 smp/km; Saturday, Qmax = 1,237.79 smp/hour with Kmax = 128.47 smp/km. In conditions of side obstacles with the Greenberg method, Monday, Qmax = 9.1 smp/hour with Kmax = 910 smp/km; Wednesday, Qmax = 7.9 smp/hour with Kmax = 790 smp/km; Friday, Qmax = 8.1 smp/hour with Kmax = 810 smp/km; Saturday, Qmax = 8.7 smp/hour with Kmax = 870 smp/km. The level of service has level E, where the current is forced, low speed, volume abouve capacity and long queues (jams)


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