Analisis Perbandingan Pondasi Bore Pile dan Pondasi Tapak Terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah Pada Pembangunan Gereja Inkulturatif GBKP Bukit


  • Surta Ria N Panjaitan
  • Humisar Pasaribu Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Suci Grace Baene Universitas HKBP Nommensen


soil bearing capacity, bore pile foundation, tread foundation


GBKP Bukit inculturative church ia a church located in Bukit Village, Bolat Raya District. The number of floors in the GBKP inculturative church building construction project is 3 floors. The type of foundation used in the construction of this church is a bore pile foundation. The purpose of this stucy was to plan another alternative by comparing tread foundations and bore pile foundations from sondir data. The research was conducted using data collection methods on the construction of GBKP Bukit inculturative church obtained in form of sondir data and structural drawings. The results of calculations and analysis that have been calculated can be concluded that, basd on a review at the critical point P6, a bore pile foundation with a diameter of 40 cm, a depth of 10 m, a single pole, reinforcement of 7 Ø 13 and a tread foundation with dimensions of 2.2 m. The results of foundation design can be concluded that a more efficient foundation is the tread foundation.


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