Jurnal Visi Eksakta 2024-05-30T02:52:57+00:00 Dr. Kammer Tuahman Sipayung, S.Pd., M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Visi Eksakta (JVIEKS)</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola dan diterbitkan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan. Jurnal Visi Eksakta adalah jurnal dalam bidang IPA meliputi bidang: Kedokteran, Pertanian, Teknik dan bidang IPA lainnya yang diterbitkan 2 kali dalam setahun Juli dan Januari.</p> <p>Publikasi <strong>Jurnal Visi Eksakta (JVIEKS)</strong> dilakukan secara elektronik dan cetak dengan Nomor ISSN <strong>(P-</strong><strong>ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-3707</a></strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> </a> dan (<strong>e-ISSN) : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-7678</a></strong>). Artikel yang terbit di jurnal ini melalui proses review secara blind review oleh satu orang reviewer/mitra bestari.</p> <p>Artikel yang terbit di jurnal ini melalui proses review secara blind review oleh satu orang reviewer/mitra bestari.</p> ANALISIS KANDUNGAN PROKSIMAT KERANG ALE-ALE (Meretrix sp.) SEGAR DAN FERMENTASI 2024-05-30T02:52:57+00:00 Kurniawanalamm Warsidah Sy. Irwan Nurdiansyah <p><em>Ale-ale shells are popular shellfish in the Ketapang coastal area. The local community uses the shellfish a lot as food processing, one of which is in the form of fermented products. In the fermentation process, the nutritional content of course will be different from fresh ale-ale because it has gone through the preservation process. In this study, several work procedures were carried out for proximate testing including measuring pH, determining water content, ash content, protein content, fat content and carbohydrate content. The proximate content in fermented products is different and tends to decrease, such as protein content, fat content, carbohydrates. This is due to the difference in preparations between fresh ale-ale and fermented ale-ale products. The purpose of testing proximate levels is to determine the difference in proximate content between fresh ale and ale ale that is processed by fermentation.</em></p> 2023-01-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Visi Eksakta