Rekayasa Sistem Pengendalian Temperatur Ruangan Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega8535


  • Jonner Manihuruk Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Demis Riduan Sibarani Universitas HKBP Nommensen



LCD,, , ATmega8535,, fan.


The old method of room temperature control that uses 1 fan is done manually and there is no setting to turn off the fan. Room temperature control designed by the author using 3 fans. The realization of this room temperature control design can be carried out by using ATMega 8535 microcontrollers, LCDs, LM35 temperature sensors, fans, relays and incandescent light bulbs. The combination of ATMega8535 microcontroller with LM35 sensor in the manufacture of miniature room temperature controller is more effective and simple because the ATMega8535 microcontroller has an internal ADC and the temperature of this room is displayed through lcd. This design uses 3 fans that serve as a live coolant (ON) automatically according to the temperature that has been programmed on the microcontroller. The sensor will detect the room at different temperatures. Sensor temperatur LM35 cukup baik dalam pengukuran temperatur, dimana sensor ini dapat membaca setiap kenaikan temperatur. Sistem kendali temperatur ruangan yang dibuat dapat bekerja dengan baik dan menjaga kondisi temperatur ruangan yang sebenarnya dan dapat ditampilkan pada display LCD.


