Fakultas Teknik Elektroen-USJurnal ELPOTECS2828-724XAnalisis Continuity of Service (CoS) Jaringan Trunk Serat Optik Berbasis Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (Studi Kasus PT Telkom Indonesia Medan)
<p><em>Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) is a multiplexing on a trunk network or optical telecommunications backbone. The old multiplexing system is Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) working with a maximum clock pulse at each switching node, while SDH uses a pointer to mark the start of the payload. The pointer value affects the voltage phase at the network endpoint. Another advantage of SDH is its self-healing nature and good multiplexing management. In this study, an analysis of CoS (Continuity of Service) on the trunk that connects Arnet Medan Centrum (MDNC) with Pulo Brayan (PBR) of PT Telkom Indonesia was carried out. CoS analysis is based on the number of disturbances that occur in the trunk connecting the two central. Based on the data and analysis results, it is found that the CoS of the trunk or backbone network from the two locations is 99.995054% for Medan Centrum (MDNC) and 99.999401% for Pulo Brayan (PBR), this value is an indication that the trunk network is in a good performance condition.</em></p>Jamser SimanjuntakSindak HutaurukJohandi Sipayung
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2022-03-222022-03-225111010.51622/elpotecs.v5i1.1110Rekayasa Sistem Kontrol Optimal Berdasarkan Kriteria Indeks Performansi Kuadratik Menggunakan Matrix Laboratory
<p><em>The concept of control system optimization comprises a selection of a performance index and design which yields the optimal control system within limits imposed by physical constraints. In solving problems of optimal control systems, we may have the goal of finding a rule for the determining the present control decision, subject to certain constraints which will minimize some measure of a deviation from ideal behavior. Such a measure is usually provided by a criterion of optimization or performance index. The quantities appearing in control system optimization problems are state variables, control variables, system parameters and the conditions for complete state controllability. The problem in the optimal control system based on quadratic performance index is determine the matrix K of the optimal control vector so as to minimize the performance index.</em></p> <p><em>where the weighting matrices S and Q are positive definite or positive semidefinite Hermitian matrices and R is appositive definite Hermitian matrix.</em></p>Fiktor SihombingMarhiras SitanggangZody Chrisna Setiawan SitompulMartin Luter Simanjuntak
Copyright (c) 2022 Jurnal ELPOTECS
2022-03-222022-03-2251111910.51622/elpotecs.v5i1.1111Rekayasa Sistem Pengendalian Temperatur Ruangan Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega8535
<p><em>The old method of room temperature control that uses 1 fan is done manually and there is no setting to turn off the fan. Room temperature control designed by the author using 3 fans. The realization of this room temperature control design can be carried out by using ATMega 8535 microcontrollers, LCDs, LM35 temperature sensors, fans, relays and incandescent light bulbs. The combination of ATMega8535 microcontroller with LM35 sensor in the manufacture of miniature room temperature controller is </em>more effective and simple <em>because the ATMega8535 microcontroller has an internal ADC and the temperature of this room is displayed through lcd. This design uses 3 fans that serve as a live coolant (ON) automatically according to the temperature that has been programmed on the microcontroller. The sensor will detect the room at different temperatures. </em><em>Sensor temperatur LM35 cukup baik dalam pengukuran temperatur, dimana sensor ini dapat membaca setiap kenaikan temperatur. Sistem kendali temperatur ruangan yang dibuat dapat bekerja dengan baik dan menjaga kondisi temperatur ruangan yang sebenarnya dan dapat ditampilkan pada display LCD.</em></p>Jonner ManihurukDemis Riduan Sibarani
Copyright (c) 2022 Jurnal ELPOTECS
2022-03-222022-03-2251202710.51622/elpotecs.v5i1.1112Perancangan Penempatan Wireless Agar Memenuhi Akses Poin Dari Beberapa Titik Aplikasi di Fakultas Teknik UHN
<p><em>The failure of the strong cover of wifi signals in building L floors 1, 2, 3, and 4 occurred due to the lack of installation of AP on each floor. The research was conducted by surveying and taking direct measurements in the coverage area (coverage area) that has been determined, namely in building L floors 1, 2, 3, and 4 at the Technical Faculty of HKBP Nommensen University Medan. Measurement data was obtained using measurement instruments, namely inSSIDer software, Acer Aspire 4736Z laptop with windows 7 ultimate SP 1 32 bit operating system. Survey data produces parameters that will be processed using RSSI calculations (Received Signal Strength Indicator). Using the RSSI calculation model (Received Signal Strength Indicator). RSSI measurements in the field are directly influenced by the conditions around them with different contours and densities.</em></p>Libianko SianturiSahat ParulianPolinus Tarigan
Copyright (c) 2022 Jurnal ELPOTECS
2022-03-222022-03-2251283710.51622/elpotecs.v5i1.1113Studi Analisis Dan Rekayasa Pengendalian Motor Servo DC Di Laboratorium Dasar Sistem Kendali Dengan Metoda Pole Placement
<p><em>Control system performance engineering is aimed at meeting predetermined specifications, for example, accuracy, response speed to steady-state, spike (maximum overshoot) and steady-state error. In general, designers calculate how much Gain is given to the system to obtain a predetermined performance specification. In general, to calculate the Gain is done by using the Trial Error technique. The Pole Placement method explains that a system is said to be stable if and only if the poles of its characteristic equation are to the left of the imaginary axis in the s-plane. Therefore, it is always strived for the location of the poles to have a certain pattern to obtain the desired performance. For a fully controlled system, the selection of the desired pole position can be done arbitrarily through the feedback element. Pole placement can be done using a state feedback control signal. The location and arrangement of the roots (poles) will determine the performance characteristics of a system. To change the performance of a system can be used with state variable feedback (State variable feedback), which can be done easily. To find out how much Gain value is needed, it can be known by using the Pole Placement Method in which the State Feedback Matrix Gain is determined by the T Transformation Matrix, namely by determining the coefficient value of the polynomial characteristic equation of the plant matrix. </em></p>
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