Sosial Humaniora2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Rusmelina Journal Systems<p>Visi Sosial Humaniora adalah jurnal dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan sosial yang bersifat multidisiplin seperti Ekonomi, Ilmu Hukum, Bahasa Inggris dan ilmu lainnya yang diterbitkan 2 kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Visi Sosial Humaniora (VSH) memuat artikel penelitian (research article), artikel review, dan laporan kasus (case report) di bidang sosial humaniora.</p> <p>Artikel yang terbit di jurnal ini melalui proses review secara blind review oleh satu orang reviewer/mitra bestari.</p> <p>Publikasi <strong>Visi Sosial Humanira (VSH)</strong> dilakukan secara elektronik dan cetak dengan Nomor ISSN <strong>(P-</strong><strong>ISSN: </strong><a href=""><strong> 2722-7316</strong></a> dan (<strong>e-ISSN) : </strong><a href=""><strong>2723-1275</strong></a>). Artikel yang terbit di jurnal ini melalui proses review secara blind review oleh satu orang reviewer/mitra bestari.</p> <p> </p> Strategi Promosi Digital Dalam Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Pada UMKM Lingkungan Pasar Yaahowu2024-10-10T10:33:09+00:00Helentina Zebuahelzeb23@gmail.comEmanuel Zebuaemanuelzeb@gmail.comYupiter Mendrofayupiter.mend81@gmail.comIdarni<p>This study examines the digital promotion strategies implemented by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Yaahowu Market, Gunungsitoli City, and their impact on increasing sales volume. In the increasingly advanced digital era, the adoption of digital technology is important for MSMEs to increase the competitiveness and visibility of their products. This study found that education and training on the use of digital platforms such as social media and e-commerce are crucial for MSMEs who are new to digital technology. Social media has proven effective in attracting new customers, while online marketplaces such as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and Shopee provide opportunities for MSMEs to expand their market reach. This conclusion highlights the importance of evaluating and adjusting strategies based on the data obtained to ensure the effectiveness of digital promotion campaigns, as well as the need for ongoing support for MSMEs in facing challenges in the digital era.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Helentina Zebua; Emanuel Zebua, Yupiter Mendrofa, Idarni Harefa Pemuda Desa Dalam Pengembangan Wisata Kawasan Gunung Bromo di Desa Ngadiwono, Kecamatan Tosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan2024-06-05T04:46:31+00:00Atik<p>Perkembangan industri 4.0 merupakan transformasi menuju perbaikan melalui kolaborasi teknologi digital dan manusia. Sejak adanya teknologi, sektor pariwisata telah banyak mengalami perubahan dalam mengembangkan inovasi baru. Selain teknologi, keterlibatan masyarakat lokal memberikan peran penting pada sektor pariwisata. Keberhasilan sektor parwisata didukung oleh keterlibatan masyarakat lokal khususnya para pemuda. Sehingga, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi ekonomi lokal dengan cara menganalisis kelemahan dan kekuatan usaha mikro yang dijalankan masyarakat khususnya bidang pariwisata menggunakan teknik analisis SWOT dengan IFAS dan EFAS. Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan posisi ekonomi di Desa Ngadiwono berada di kuadran 1. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan IFAS dan EFAS yang menunjukkan posisi Desa Ngadiwono di kuadran 1 menunjukkan bahwa Kekuatan Desa Ngadiwono lebih besar dari pada kelemahan yang dimiliki. Kuadran 1 juga menunjukkan bahwa peluang yang dihadapi oleh Desa Ngadiwono lebih besar daripada ancaman yang akan diterima. Oleh karena itu diperlukan <em>action</em> dengan meningkatkan kekuatan dan mengurangi kelemahannya. Peningkatan kekuatan Desa Ngadiwono dapat dilakukan melalui eksplorasi sumber daya alam, peningkatan kualitas serta kuantitas infrastruktur dan fasilitas penunjang pariwisata desa, dan pemberian pembinaan kepada golongan muda mengenai penggunaan teknologi modern dan tatacara budidaya tanaman holtikultura.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Atik Purmiyati, Sri Wahyuni Tata Letak (Layout) Terhadap Produktivitas Batu Bata di UD. MUSTIKA DESA LOLOWUA HILIWARASI Kecamatan Hiliserangkai Kabupaten Nias2024-09-27T17:23:12+00:00Syukur Wildman Mendrofawilmanmendrofa343@gmail.comJeliswan Berkat Iman Jaya Geawilmanmendrofa343@gmail.comMaria Magdalena Bate'ewilmanmendrofa343@gmail.comEduar<p>This study aims to analyze the impact of layout on the productivity of brick manufacturing businesses in Lolowua Hiliwarasi Village, Hiliserangkai District, Nias Regency. The research employs a quantitative approach, gathering data through observations and interviews with business owners and workers. The findings indicate that an efficient layout can enhance productivity by reducing travel time and minimizing disruptions in the production process. A well-designed layout facilitates workflow and improves the effectiveness of space and resource utilization. The study concludes that optimizing the layout of brick manufacturing operations can significantly boost productivity and operational efficiency.</p>2024-11-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syukur Wildman Mendrofa, Jeliswan Berkat Iman Jaya Gea, Maria Magdalena Bate'e, Eduar Baene Media Sosial Marketing Terhadap Peningkatan Minat Beli Pelanggan Toko Berliian Motor Gunungsitoli 2024-10-10T10:07:30+00:00Arisanto Telaumbanuaarisantotelaumbanua@gmail.comNov Elhan Geaelhangea@gmail.comEmanuel Zebuaemanuel.zeb79@gmail.comSophia M.<p>In the world of business marketing, this is the most crucial or important thing. Business developments have resulted in changes such as changes in the mindset of competitors or business people in maintaining their business. Marketing or marketing is an activity, a series of institutions and processes of creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging deals (offers) that are of value to customers, clients, partners and the general public. This research aims to find out the role of Social Media Marketing in Increasing Customers at the Gunungsitoli Berlian Motor Shop. The research method used is a quantitative research method with a survey approach, researchers also use questionnaires in data collection. Researchers tested the hypothesis using multiple regression analysis techniques and the calculations were assisted using the SPSS (Statistical Program For Social Science) software program version 26. This research found that social media (X) which was accepted and partially had a positive and significant influence on buying interest (Y ) consumers at the Berlian Motor Shop in Gunungsitoli city.</p>2024-11-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Arisanto Telaumbanua; Nov Elhan Gea, Emanuel Zebua, Sophia M. Kakisina Cross Selling Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Produk Unilever Oleh PT. Multi Pilar Indah Jaya di Pulau Nias2024-10-10T10:18:07+00:00Asri Sartika Laseasrilase90@gmail.comNov Elhan Geaelhangea@gmail.comYupiter Mendrofayupiter.mend81@gmail.comOtanius<p>This research evaluates the role of cross-selling in increasing Unilever product sales by PT Multi Pilar Indah Jaya on Nias Island. Cross-selling is a method of offering additional products that are related or complementary to the products previously offered. The aim of this research is to assess the extent to which the cross-selling strategy implemented by PT Multi Pilar Indah Jaya has successfully increased the sales volume of Unilever products on Nias Island, both quantitatively and qualitatively, and to identify factors contributing to the success or failure of the strategy. This research explores internal and external factors that may influence the implementation of cross-selling strategies within the context of distribution companies on Nias Island. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection techniques including in-depth interviews, field observations, and documentation. Sales information is gathered from Admin, Sales Supervisors, and the sales team of PT Multi Pilar Indah Jaya. The data is analyzed using methods of Reduction, Data Presentation, and Conclusion Drawing.</p> <p>The results of the research show that PT Multi Pilar Indah Jaya has been able to better understand the characteristics and preferences of its customers, enabling the company to adopt effective policies for achieving a successful cross-selling strategy, with the goal of increasing sales of Unilever products on Nias Island.</p> <p>Keywords: Cross Selling, sales, Unilever, PT Multi Pilar Indah Jaya, Nias Island</p>2024-11-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asri Sartika Lase; Nov Elhan Gea, Yupiter Mendrofa, Otanius Laia Efektivitas Pengelolaan Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (Bos) Di UPTD SD NEGERI 071076 Ombolata2024-10-10T10:20:26+00:00Mery Ratnajuwita Dohonajuwitadohona13@gmail.comNanny A. Buulolonannyartatinabll@gmail.comSerniati Zebuasernizebua97@gmail.comMartha S.D.<p>Education is one of the fundamental things related to the quality of a nation's human resources. In the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 31 paragraph (1) mandates that every citizen has the right to education. The School Operational Assistance Program (BOS) is public funds obtained by education units to ease the burden on the Indonesian people. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of managing School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds. The method used in this research is quantitative methods, data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that the management of BOS funds at UPTD SD Negeri 071076 Ombolata during 2021-2023 is effective because the School Budget Activity Plan (RKAS) and budget realization are in accordance with what was previously budgeted so that it is said to be effective.</p>2024-11-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mery Ratnajuwita Dohona; Nanny A. Buulolo, Serniati Zebua, Martha S.D. Mendrofa Latar Belakang Pendidikan Hubungannya Dengan Kinerja Perangkat Desa Ononazara Kecamatan Tugala Oyo2024-10-10T10:26:44+00:00Damai Natalia Lasedamainatalial@gmail.comSyah Abadi Mendrofasyahabadi.mendrofa@gmail.comPalindungan Lahagulindunglahagu25@gmail.comMaria M. Bate'<ol start="2024"> <li>Analysis of Educational Background in its Relationship with the Performance of Ononazara Village Officials, Tugala Oyo District. Thesis. Management Study Program. Nias University. Advisor: Syah Abadi Mendrofa, S.E., M.M.</li> </ol> <p>According to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, villages have the autonomy to manage governance and development, aiming to improve the welfare of the community. One critical element for implementing village autonomy is the competency of the village government apparatus. The village government, led by the village head and supported by officials, plays a key role in ensuring effective governance. However, observations in Ononazara Village, Tugala Oyo District, indicate that the performance of the village officials is still suboptimal. Issues such as the uneven educational background and varying levels of competence among officials lead to inefficiencies in carrying out their duties.</p> <p>This research aims to analyze the relationship between educational background and the performance of Ononazara Village officials. The focus is on the importance of education in enhancing performance, especially in the village governance sector. Data were collected through interviews with key informants and observations of the educational and performance conditions of the village officials. The findings reveal a significant correlation between educational background and performance, with officials who have higher education levels showing better performance in fulfilling their responsibilities. The study recommends improving education and training programs for village officials to enhance the overall performance of village governance.</p>2024-11-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Damai Natalia Lase; Syah Abadi Mendrofa, Palindungan Lahagu, Maria M. Bate'e Penggunaan Sosial Media Marketing Dalam Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Kue Home Industri Di Dapoer Zainab2024-10-10T10:28:28+00:00Putri Yanuari Buayaputribuaya1234@gmail.comEmanuel Zebuaemanuel.zeb79@gmail.comIdarni harefaidarniharefa@gmail.comEduar<p>This study is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach aimed at evaluating the use of social media marketing to increase sales volume at Dapoer Zainab, a home industry in Gunungsitoli City founded in 2020 by Regina Nababan. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with two key informants: the business owner, Mrs. Regina Nababan, and employee, Mrs. Swasti Idawati Lase.</p> <p>The results indicate that Dapoer Zainab currently relies on product photos as their main content strategy. However, this content has been less effective in capturing customer attention due to a lack of variety and creativity. Labor limitations have led to inconsistencies in content scheduling and the use of social media advertising features.</p> <p>The findings suggest that despite efforts in content creation, results have not been optimal in increasing engagement and sales volume. It is recommended to introduce new content types such as videos and customer testimonials, and to improve creativity and consistency in content scheduling to enhance marketing effectiveness. Implementing these recommendations is expected to help Dapoer Zainab achieve better growth and significantly increase sales.</p>2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Yanuari Buaya; Emanuel Zebua, Idarni harefa, Eduar baene Kompetensi Kerja Dan Kedisplinan Waktu Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Dan Tata Ruang Kabupaten Nias2024-10-10T10:29:46+00:00Idam Murniati Zegaidamzega96@gmail.comDelipiter Halawaoda15halawa@gmail.comHeseziduhu<p>This research was conducted at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Nias Regency. The researcher found that: 1) the staff needs do not meet the job competency standards; 2) academic backgrounds are not relevant to roles or job functions; 3) the implementation of main duties and functions is not optimal; and 4) there are delays in staff attendance and departure times. The objectives of this research are to explain the effect of work competence on employee performance at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Nias Regency, to explain the effect of time discipline on employee performance at the same office, and to investigate the synergistic relationship between work competence and time discipline in the context of improving employee performance. Data collection techniques included observation and the distribution of questionnaires to 52 employees at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Nias Regency. Based on the coefficient of determination (R Squared) test, work competence (X1) and time discipline (X2) account for 44.3% of the effect on the dependent variable (Y). The remaining influence is due to other factors not discussed in the study. The F-test value is 19.458, which is greater than the F-table value of 3.19, indicating that the regression model as a whole has a significant effect on the dependent variable. The model is considered fit since the significance value (Sig) is less than 0.05, with a significant value of 0.000, which is less than 0.05. It can be concluded that the independent variables have a significant simultaneous (combined) effect on the dependent variable and that there is a synergistic relationship between work competence (X1), time discipline (X2), and employee performance (Y) at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Nias Regency.</p> <p>Keywords: Job Competence, Time Discipline, and Employee Performance.</p>2024-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Idam Murniati Zega; Delipiter Lase, Odaligoziduhu Halawa, Heseziduhu Lase Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pemerintahan Desa Hilimbowo Idanoi Kecamatan Gunungsitoli Idanoi2024-10-10T10:31:31+00:00Marniwati Laolimarniwatilaoli7@gmail.comFatolosa Hulufatoshulu@gmail.comMeiman Hidayat Waruwumeimanwaruwu571@gmail.comJeliswan BIJ<p>The Leadership Role of the Village Head in Improving the Performance of the Hilimbowo Idanoi Village Government, Gunungsitoli District. Thesis. Supervisor Fatolosa Hulu, S.E., M.M</p> <p>This study aims to analyze the Leadership of the Village Head, as the initial argument in this study, that the village apparatus and the village head are the lowest base of community services. The quality of services provided depends not only on the performance of the village officials as subordinates, but also on the leader. A person's leadership will determine the progress or decline and the life or death of the organization he leads. The village government, like the central and local governments, is required to provide maximum services for the community and be able to answer the increasing demands of the community, both in terms of quality and quantity. Given the importance of leadership as a determining factor in the success or failure of an organization and business, this study aims to see how the leadership efforts of the Village Head in improving the productivity of the Apparatus performance and how the relationship between the leadership of the Village Head in improving the productivity of the Village Government performance in Hilimbowo Idanoi Village, Gunungsitoli Idanoi District, Gunungsitoli City. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The informants in this study were the village head and all government officials of Hilimbowo Idanoi Village. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation and documentation techniques. In this study, researchers tried to describe each answer given by the informant during the interview. The results showed that the Hilimbowo Idanoi Village Head had carried out the role of building interpersonal relationships, the role of dealing with information and the role of making decisions in improving the performance of the Hilimbowo Idanoi Village government, Gunungsitoli Idanoi District. Education, work experience and discipline of village officials are factors that influence the performance itself. So it can be concluded that the Hilimbowo Idanoi Village Head has carried out his duties as a leader in improving the performance of the Hilimbowo Idanoi Village government. The roles performed are the role of building interpersonal relationships, the role of dealing with information and the role of making decisions.</p>2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Marniwati Laoli; Fatolosa Hulu, Meiman Hidayat Waruwu, Jeliswan BIJ Gea Juang Tjitjih: Pejuang Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Politik dan Emansipasi Wanita di Cianjur Tahun 1940-19642024-11-18T06:12:48+00:00Aldi Cahya Maulidanaldicahya58@upi.eduOellien<p>This research examines the role and contribution of <em>Juang</em> Tjitjih as a female fighter in Cianjur in the period 1940-1964. The research focuses on four main areas of her struggle: education, economy, politics, and women's emancipation. This research aims to analyse and document the role and contribution of <em>Juang</em> Tjitjih in her struggle to advance women in Cianjur in 1940-1964 through various efforts in the fields of education, economy, politics, and women's emancipation. Through a historical research method with a biographical approach, this study analyses various primary and secondary sources, including archival documents, interviews with family and historical witnesses, and related literature. The results show that <em>Juang</em> Tjitjih played a significant role in advancing women's education through the establishment of women-only schools. In the economic sphere, she established women's cooperatives and skills training programmes to increase women's financial independence. In the political sphere, her contribution is reflected in her efforts to encourage women's participation in public decision-making. The women's emancipation struggle she led became an important foundation for the women's empowerment movement in Cianjur. This research concludes that <em>Juang</em> Tjitjih's comprehensive approach in integrating various aspects of the struggle has had a long-term impact on the progress of Cianjur society, especially women.</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aldi Cahya Maulidan, Oellien Noeha Of The Role Of The Deputy Principal For Student Affairs In Development And Improvement Intra-School Student Organization Work Ethos At SMAS St. Xaverius Gunungsitoli2024-10-28T04:01:24+00:00Elvienna Sally Juwita Mendrofaelviennasallyjuwitamendrofa@gmail.comTrisman Zegariswanzegadilfoz@gmail.comKristof Marthin<p><em>This study aimed to analyze the role of the Deputy Principal for Student Affairs in the development and improvement of the performance of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) and in addition to analyzing what strategies were carried out by the Deputy Principal for Student Affairs in developing the work ethic of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) at St. Xaverius Gunungsitoli SMAS. The method used was a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation. There are 3 data analysis techniques used, namely: 1. Data Reduction, namely selecting and sorting the results of interviews to be more focused on the direction of research, 2. Data Display, namely describing the results of research using tables or charts, 3. Drawing Conclusions and Verification, namely providing conclusions from the results of interviews to be more relevant to the research results. The results showed that the Deputy Principal's role is very important in providing guidance, moral support, and administration needed to improve the performance of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS). In addition, the Deputy Principal's involvement in the activities of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) contributes to the development of student leadership and increased participation in various school activities. The strategies provided by the Deputy Principal for Student Affairs to improve the performance of the Student Council were approaching or collaborating with other schools and also with teachers within the school, conducting evaluations, providing encouragement, motivation and suggestions to improve the performance of the Intra-School Student Organization. This study recommends the need for increased communication between the school and students to maximize the role of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) in the school environment.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: Deputy Principle for Student Affairs, Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS)</strong></em></p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elvienna Sally Juwita Mendrofa; Trisman Harefa, Riswan Zega, Kristof Marthin Telaumbanua