Comparison of „Advice‟ in Alani Hapogosan‟ and the Persuit of Happyness‟Film


  • Christina Natalina Saragi Universitas HKBP Nommensen


Advising,, culture,, directive,, illocutionary,, language,, speech act


In this research, the writer used qualitative comparison as research design, and the source of data is put from the dialogue of Alani Hapogosan and The Pursuit of Happyness Film.,the writer stated the problem, how to distinguish the speech act in advising Batak language and English language?, whereas these two tribes have different languages and cultures, and,How was power speakers in telling speech acts of advising so heard by the hearer ,Was there any influences of culture toward language of advising speech ? Writer found some differences were: Distance,naming system of titles, figurative meanings, whereas in English they use proverb to describe their advice. The similarities are All language delivered clearly, firmly, not convoluted, using figurative language, directly. Social status did not affect a person's right to give advice, but returns to age, Suggestions of advice delivered sounded painful but not considered heartbreaking. In terms of sentence form the statement but imperative.From the analysis can be concluded. The higher age of a person, the more visible power in the deliveryof speech advicewill be. However, in English language power is influenced by the position of the speaker, the higher the position of someone then the more visible power speakers in speaking utterances of advice. The choice of speech that is spoken when conveying advice is strongly influenced by culture, especially within the Batak. The polite words that come out when acting out to advise the elderly are due to cultural factors, as well as the naming system that is said when giving advice is also influenced by culture. Moreover in English delivery of direct advice, not distant, to do points, not convoluted is due to individualistic British culture and do not like to be too emotionally involved in the interests or problems of others. Then it can be concluded that culture influences speakers in giving advice


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How to Cite

Saragi, C. N. . (2017). Comparison of „Advice‟ in Alani Hapogosan‟ and the Persuit of Happyness‟Film. Journal of English Teaching As a Foreign Language, 3(1), 39-51. Retrieved from