Code Mixing on Twitter User of Teenager


  • Bernieke Anggita Ristia Damanik Universitas HKBP Nommensen


Code Mixing,, Twitter,, Teenager,, Sociolinguistics


The communication on twitter user of teenager will investigated based on theory of language. The problem of this study as following, what are the types of code mixing on twitter and what is the dominant type of code mixing on twitter. The subject this research are teenagers that have a twitter account. So the objectsare code mixing that is use in communication. To get the data from this research, the writer use documentary from tweets on twitter.After the data had been analyzed, the write found out that (1) there was three kind of code mixing used on twitter such as intra-sentential code mixing, lexical code mixing, Involving a change of code mixing. (2)The Dominant type of code mixing on twitter is intra-lexical code mixing with 14 words of code mixing (48.27%), intra-sentential(37.93%), and involvinga change of pronunciation (13,79%) from 22 data.The writer concludes that there are intra-sentential, intra-lexical code mixing and involving a change of pronunciation on twitter tweets. The dominant type of code mixing found on the twitter is intra-lexical that have 14 words of code mixing (48.27 %).Internet user in Indonesia 80 percent is dominated by teenager 15-19 years old. In internet teenager use social media for communication with their community especially twitter account.


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How to Cite

Damanik, B. A. R. . (2015). Code Mixing on Twitter User of Teenager. Journal of English Teaching As a Foreign Language, 1(1), 30-44. Retrieved from