The English Teachers’ Design of Lesson Plan Based on 2013 Curriculum


  • David Berthony Manalu Universitas HKBP Nommensen


2013 curriculum,, lesson plan,, scientific approach


Designing a lesson plan is indeed an administrative task, but it is one of the requirements of teacher certification. This research aimed to analyze the lesson plan designed by two English teachers of a junior high school inPematangsiantar based on 2013 curriculum. By conducting content analysis, the researcher classified the data into seven categories (i.e. learning objective, indicator of competence achievement, material, media, method, procedures, and assessment), and then described and evaluated each component. In conclusion, the lesson plans were generally relevant to the demands of 2013 curriculum and can be used as a model of lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum. However, some mistakes were also found in determining learning objectives and indicators, and describing the five steps of scientific approach in the learning procedure.


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How to Cite

Manalu, D. B. . (2016). The English Teachers’ Design of Lesson Plan Based on 2013 Curriculum. Journal of English Teaching As a Foreign Language, 2(2), 40-53. Retrieved from