The Role of Students’ Perception and Informatioin Technology in Improving The Production of (Θ) and (Ð) by 1thSemester Students of STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

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jalauddin ludin


The productions of  the English consonants  (θ) and   (ð) are constant difficulties  faced by  English learners whose mother tongue is not English. The failure  in perfect productions of  these consonants very often goes on to the time when the students’ speech sound plays a key part in their career. With the role of  students’ perception of correct positions of the articulators against the required points of articulation in producing the dental fricative consonant sounds  (θ)  and  (ð)  and information  technology,,the students can improve the quality of the productions even to  perfect state.


Keywords: role, students perception, information  technology, consonats ð and  θ    


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