STEAM in Education: Teacher Responses and the Implementation in English Language Teaching


  • Muhammad Yunus Universitas Islam Malang



English Language, Innovative, STEAM


This article aims to examine the implementation of the STEAM approach in education as seen from the teacher's response and how the teacher understands and implements it in the learning process. A qualitative approach with phenomenological design was applied in this study. The targeted teacher community of alumni of the Teacher Professional Program (PPG) education in the English Language Education Study Program at a private university in Malang from 3 batches of 98 teachers, only two teachers who responded had ever implemented STEAM learning. These two teachers were then contacted to become respondents. Based on the interview results, it was found that the experience of being a teacher for over 15 years, he understands STEAM learning well. This can be seen from his understanding that STEAM learning as innovative learning can teach students to think critically and communicatively per the needs of 21st-century skills. Statements about active learning can be born from this STEAM learning.


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How to Cite

Yunus, M. (2023). STEAM in Education: Teacher Responses and the Implementation in English Language Teaching. Visi Sosial Humaniora, 4(1), 29-38.