Peran Organisasi Intervensi Berbasis Masyarakat (IBM) Dalam Pencegahan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan Dan Pengedaran Gelap Narkotika Di Desa Pemogan Denpasar
Role, Organization, NarcoticsAbstract
In essence, to actualize what has been mandated by Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, the National Narcotics Agency and the community in Pemogan Village are in the field of prevention and community empowerment. IBM Pemogan Village must make efforts to save Narcotics abuse by means of rehabilitation, eradicating dealers, syndicates, and breaking the illicit circulation of narcotics. However, in practice, in carrying out the duties and authorities of Community-Based Intervention Organizations, there are still many obstacles to be faced. The formulation of the problem in this research is What is the Role of IBM in Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illicit Narcotics in Pemogan Village, Denpasar? ,What are IBM's Obstacles in Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illicit Narcotics in Pemogan Village, Denpasar? What are IBM's Efforts in Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illicit Narcotics in Pemogan Village, Denpasar?
his research is descriptive in nature, this method is a method that describes a data that will be made, both from the author and as a group. The auxiliary instruments used in this study were photographic equipment, recorders, documents, and small notes related to research problems and other aids, because they can enable researchers to make verifications.
This can be seen from the results of interviews with IBM's role as an extension of the detention of the National Narcotics Agency for the province of Bali and districts/cities throughout Bali. Where IBM is expected to be able to monitor more deeply the activities of drug trafficking and seek various ways to prevent drug trafficking and its abuse.
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