Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Penduduk, Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN), Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Inflasi Terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka Di Indonesia Tahun 2000-2020


  • Febby Ola Pandiangan Universitas HKBP Nomennsen
  • Jesika Pasaribu Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Dean Girsang Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Margaretha Tarigan Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Rainhard D.E. Lapikolly Universitas HKBP Nomennsen



Population,, Domestic Investment, , Ekonomi Growth, , Inflation, , Open Unemployment.


This study aims to analyze the population, domestic investment, economic growth, inflation to open unemployment in Indonesia in 2000–2020. The design of this research is causal associative research. This study uses causal associative. This research is a time series research, the data used is secondary data. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis, through classical assumption test, namely: multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, normality test, then perform hypothesis testing, namely t-test, F-test and goodness-of-fit test.The results of the study conclude that population has a negative and significant effect on open unemployment, while domestic investment, economic growth, and inflation have a negative and insignificant effect on open unemployment in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Pandiangan, F. O., Pasaribu, J. ., Girsang, D. ., Tarigan, M. ., & Lapikolly, R. D. (2021). Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Penduduk, Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN), Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Inflasi Terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka Di Indonesia Tahun 2000-2020 . Visi Sosial Humaniora, 2(1), 99-109.