Penerapan Metode Solfegio Dalam Pembelajaran Koor


  • Emmi Simangungsong Universitas HKBP Nommensen



Solfegio, , Sight Singing, , Ear Training.


This article discusses about the application of the solfegio method in the Choir Course. This article is a descriptive qualitative research. The lecturer applies the solfegio sight singing and ear training method by demonstration about warming up, breathing body,  humming, vocalizing, and how to sing the rhythm and melody. The study result that applies the solfegio sight singing and ear training method by demonstration can improve the student skills  in tune, sing rhythm and melody properly and precisely in accordance with time signature and song tempo of the Tolite Hostias and Praise His Holy Name.


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How to Cite

Simangungsong, E. (2020). Penerapan Metode Solfegio Dalam Pembelajaran Koor. Visi Sosial Humaniora, 1(2), 221-238.