Pengaruh Pemasaran Melalui Media Sosial Terhadap Kepuasaan Pelanggan Dalam Membeli Produk Makanan Dan Minuman di Instagram


  • Lamsar Pandapotan Silalahi Universitas HKBP Nommensen



Social media marketing,, Customer satisfaction,, Social


Instagram is a popular social application among smart phone users. The name instagram is derived from the instant insta word and the gram of the word telegram. So instagram is a combination of instant words and telegrams. Using the word may be interpreted as an application for instant information, which is in the form of photos of processing photos, editing photos and sharing (share) to other social networks. A trend of lnstagram has been a marketing tool that USES products as his means of communication. Overinstagram is using public participation as an advertising funnel. The study is aimed at learning how social media marketing affects customers' satisfaction with buying products through instagram. The research methods used in this study employ the quantitative methods. The removal of samples in this study USES non-probability and the type of sample retrieval USES sampling samples. The number of samples used in this study is as many as 70 respondents using exceptional sampling. The analysis methods used are validity tests, recapabilities tests, classic assumptions tests, simple linear regression tests and hypothetical tests. Studies have concluded that social media marketing has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Silalahi, L. P. (2022). Pengaruh Pemasaran Melalui Media Sosial Terhadap Kepuasaan Pelanggan Dalam Membeli Produk Makanan Dan Minuman di Instagram. Visi Sosial Humaniora, 3(1), 51-67.