Author Guidelines


  1. The article has not yet published on other media and does not contain plagiarism element. The article should be enclosed with author writing consent.
  2. The article is the result of research, conceptual (independent), theory application, case report, or book review. The article could be written in Indonesian or English approximately 14 pages including bibliography and table. The article should be written with computer on A4 size paper with top and left margins 2,5 centimeters; and right bottom margins 2,5 centimeters. The font in used should be Cambria size 12. The space should be at 1. The title should be written in Indonesian maximum 15 words and in English maximum 13 words (title sample could be seen on journal template).
  3. The article must enclose the author/s name. Multiple authors name order should be agreed by the first, second, and so forth author. The order is usually based on the author’s contribution and all authors are responsible to the article content. The author’s name should be written in bold with 12 size font Cambria (title sample could be seen on journal template).  
  4. The article has to enclose the author mail address: the author’s university or institution mail and email address. The author address should be written in 12 size font Times New Roman without bold and italic.
  5. The article has to enclose with ABSTRACT in English language and ABSTRAK in Indonesian language. The maximum words for ABSTRACT and ABSTRAK are 150-200 words in essay form consists of research purpose, research method, and research result. It should be enclosed with keywords (3 to 5 words). The font is Cambria in 10 size and space 1. The ABSTRACT should be written in italic whereas the ABSTRAK should not. The word ABSTRACT in English language should be written and ABSTRAK IN Indonesian language with Cambria font in size 10. The ABSTRACT word should be written with bold and italic whereas ABSTRAK should not.
  6.  The ABSTRACT (English language) and ABSTRAK (Indonesian language) material have to enclose with keywords in Cambria font size 10, and space 1 (one). The words have to written in bold and italic. The keywords should consist of 3 to 5 words.
  7. The article should consist of INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULT AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, and BIBLIOGRAPHY.  They have to be written in capital with Cambria font size 12 in bold.
  8. The INTRODUCTION has to be written in MS format with Cambria font size 12 with 1.5 spaces. It should consist of 2 pages. The contents consist of research problem background, hypothesis (if available), research purpose, and research method. Most articles are not too extensive. The introduction is inclined to several books as research reference or basic and consists of present time knowledge. Literature review should not be written as separate part of the introduction. It means the literature review is included in INTRODUCTION. The reference should be primary, relevant, and current reference. The literature review should not be too extensive meaning its scope is not too large.
  9. The systematic contents of DISCUSSION should consist of data/ information related to research purpose, the table should be in simple and open format; and also the map picture should be focusing on studied object. The file size should not be too large and complicated (the format should be in .jpg). The table and picture should be consistent and have to be numbered. The purpose of DISCUSSION is finding author appreciate the research result; and the border of the research. To quote a citation written in Cambria 10 (Picture and table sample could be seen on journal template).
  10. CONCLUSION consists of the discussion foundation short explanation. It should also mention recommendation included in conclusion. It means recommendation does not stand-alone
  11. BIBLIOGRAPHY may come various sources: books, documents, theses, dissertations, newspaper, journal, and internet. Basically the Ketahanan nasional Journal bibliography is advisable to use management applications, for example bibliography with Mendeley,  Zetero.

(Buku Terjemahan)

Arends, R. (2008). Learning to Teach, Belajar untuk Mengajar. (Soedjipto, H.P. & Soedjipto, S.M., penerjemah). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

(Buku Tunggal)

Hamalik, O. (2001). Perencanaan Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara

 (Artikel Jurnal)

Lindsay, J. (1995). Cultural policy and the performing arts in Southeast Asia. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde 151 (4), 656—671.

Krisna, F.N. (2014). Studi kasus layanan pendidikan nonformal suku Baduy. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 20(1): 1—13.


(Skripsi, Thesis/Disertasi)

Sarma, P. (2019). Kontruksi Wacana Pemeriksaan Tersangka: Kajian Linguistik Forensik. (Disertasi). Universitas Sumatera Utara.

(Artikel Dalam Prosiding)

Sungkowati, Y. (2010). Persoalan lingkungan hidup dan urbanisasi dalam beberapa cerpen Indonesia. Prosiding Konferensi Internasional Kesusasteraan XXI HISKI Sastra dan Budaya Urban dalam Kajian Lintas Media, 78-90. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press.